Design of Top-down Role-playing game

How I designed a turn-based, strategy game for GDevelop BIG Game Jam #5

Play on Itch.io

Sentiments felt while playing

Core loop: What keeps the game progressing

Our team

(Me) PGad: Design and Development

APel: Scoping, Direction and Planning

Common tasks: Selecting music and sound effect


Creating a compelling story  

Creating a ‘why’ to the entire game and setting the context

Pie-Rates, a multi-national corporation has taken control of your waters. They plan to shut your small pie delivery business. Even if today is the worse weather, you must deliver your pies and defeat the Pie-Rates! As per your deal, they’ll leave your waters, if you defeat them.


Journey map for player  

What emotional journey would the player undergo?

The emotional journey the player should go in each section of the map


Vector graphics and bright colours  

Overall creating a simple and focused feeling to the game

Choice of graphics: To create simple and scalable shapes (from Kenney)

Choice of colours: To give a casual feel

Ship graphics and font used in the game


Experience to make player feel proud!  

Using narrative, visuals and speed

Based on the vision, the player should feel proud while playing this game.

Narratives, dialogues, visuals and music was used to create this feeling.

Elements that added to make the experience of pride while playing the game

The player must deliver pies in unstable weather. This creates a sense of purpose and pride


Making game replayable using classes  

How I designed a balanced class system to bring the player back to game

Replayability: The selection screen provided different classes with varying abilities.

Balancing using Radar chart: This helped to visualize the balance of classes across the parameters


Map design to make the gameplay fast and fun 

Several map concepts were created and then the final map was created in Tiled

Map concepts: Sketches of map to visualize the path the player would take and locations of enemy

Visualizing and finalizing the map: At high level, I quickly laid out various map areas and created blocks for scaling them

Creating the map in Tiled

Creating a consistent look : In Tiled, I used Automapping for creating rules


Creating mini-boss fights for engaging gameplay 

Mini-bosses were introduced at the end of each level

To break the monotony and keep the game exciting, mini-bosses were introduced.

They were fine-tuned to maintain the correct “flow” of the game.

Mini-bosses : Examples of two mini-bosses. A castle and a large galleon.


Choosing sounds and music 

Fitting the music to mood and spirit of the game

Going with the theme, energetic, fast and inspiring game music was chosen from OpenGameArt. 

Main theme : This music went well with the pace of the game and is played in the background.

Boss theme : Played during the boss battle, it’s intense tone went well with visuals.


Remixing the assets to create enemies 

Enemy ships were cleverly created by picking assets from different sets

Creating enemies : Several assets from other asset packs were mixed to create variety of enemies.


Designing Enemy’s 2-stage AI 

To break the enemy behaviour monotony and introduce ‘realistic’ behaviour, 2-stage AI was designed

2-stage AI : Enemies behave aggressively as the player moves closer


Luck element: Wheel-of-fortune 

To balance the economy and introduce luck element, wheel-of-fortune was introduced

Wheel-of-fortune lets the players spend some of their coins to earn more coins.


Upgrading your ship 

The core loop of upgrading was implemented using upgrade shop


developing the game in gdevelop 

The game was built in GDevelop

Code sample: Sample for AI of turrets to shoot when ship is within range


Play testing 

The game was launched on Itch.io and playtest feedback was gathered

Mobile playtest: Game was playtested on mobile browser and laptop browsers

Feedback from Itch.io: Some of the comments pointing towards improving controls

Updated gameplay: Several items were fixed such as WASD + mouse controls and front firing



We participated in the game-jam and secured 73rd ranking out of 305 entries